
The Paediatric Cardiology Service provides cardiology services to patients with congenital or acquired heart disease throughout childhood.

Phone: 1300 MHEART (1300 643 278)

About us

The Paediatric Cardiology service provides cardiology services to patients with congenital or acquired heart disease throughout childhood. Services are provided through both Monash Children’s Hospital and MonashHeart, as well as to unborn babies with congenital or acquired heart disease and their parents in conjunction with the Fetal Diagnostic Unit.

Additionally services are provided to adult patients with complex congenital heart disease. This provision of cardiology services across the lifespan is unique in Victoria and offers many advantages to our patients. The service covers the entire network and surrounding areas, as well as a smaller number of patients from interstate and overseas.

As well as being a part of Monash Children’s Hospital, Paediatric Cardiology services are also a part of MonashHeart, where we have very close associations with our adult cardiology colleagues. These associations bring benefit to both paediatric and adult patients. We also work closely with our adult and paediatric cardiac surgical colleagues within Monash Health and other general and specialist units within Monash Children’s Hospital. In addition to this, we collaborate closely with our paediatric cardiology and cardiac surgical colleagues at the Royal Children’s Hospital.

Expertise and services

The Monash Children’s Hospital and MonashHeart Paediatric Cardiology Service provides inpatient and outpatient services, as well as a comprehensive range of non-invasive cardiology investigations.

Inpatient procedures 

Invasive and surgical services are largely limited to adolescents and adults, with procedures on younger children mostly being performed at the Royal Children’s Hospital. Some of our Cardiologists work at both Monash Children’s Hospital and the Royal Children’s Hospital, and the teams work very closely together.

Non-invasive procedures 

All non-invasive cardiology investigations are performed through MonashHeart, with most being provided at all MonashHeart sites for all age groups. For details of services available and booking procedures, please contact MonashHeart via 1300 MHEART (1300 643 278) or visit the MonashHeart website, where test referral forms may also be accessed.

Cardiologist on-call 

A Paediatric Cardiologist is available at all times for discussion and advice. Contact can be made with the Paediatric Cardiology Fellow through the Monash Medical Centre switchboard on (03) 9594 6666. General Practitioners and Specialists can contact the consultant directly via the same route if this is more appropriate to their needs.

For further information on Paediatric Cardiology Services please contact MonashHeart on 1300 MHEART (1300 643 278) or visit the MonashHeart website:


Outpatient clinics

One outpatient clinic is held each week at Monash Children’s Hospital, Clayton, as well as several clinics per week at MonashHeart, Clayton and additional clinics at MonashHeart at both Dandenong and Casey Hospitals.

We make every effort to see patients at a geographically convenient location, although this may not always be possible. Some patients may be suitable to be seen via Telehealth, at least for some appointments.

For further information on referrals to the Paediatric Cardiology Service please refer to the ‘Referrals’ section below.


Referrals may be made through the Monash Children’s Clinic or MonashHeart. All referrals are triaged and families are offered an appointment through the most appropriate clinic. Family preferences will be accommodated if clinically appropriate. Patients may also be seen in private rooms.

Bookings for MonashHeart Casey Private Consulting can be made through MonashHeart. Other private bookings should be made through the relevant private rooms. Referrals may be made by letter or alternatively specific referral forms, including guidance on patients appropriate for our various clinics, may be downloaded from the MonashHeart website

All non-invasive cardiology investigations are performed through MonashHeart, with most being provided at all MonashHeart sites for all age groups. For details of services available and booking procedures, please contact MonashHeart via 1300 MHEART (1300 643 278) or visit the MonashHeart website, where test referral forms may also be accessed.

Please note that there are some restrictions related to some tests whereby we accept referrals only from a cardiologist, or from a non-cardiologist only for specific indications. If you have any queries please feel free to contact the Paediatric Cardiology Fellow or Consultant through the Monash Medical Centre switchboard on (03) 9594 6666.

Head of Unit:Dr Suraj Varma

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